Design Researchers in Residence Event

Islands Talks: Owen Hatherley and Marianna Janowicz

Join author and architectural historian Owen Hatherley in conversation with Marianna Janowicz, Design Researcher in Residence.

What to expect

How can London’s architectural history shape ecological futures?

This event brings together architectural historian and author Owen Hatherley with Design Researcher in Residence Marianna Janowicz to consider the untold history and radical potential of laundry.

Building on Marianna’s research as part of her residency with Future Observatory at the Design Museum, the talk takes the history of communal washing and drying facilities in London’s housing estates as a starting point to reimagine the politics of everyday life in a low-carbon future.

18:00 Islands display opens to visitors (until 19:00)

19:00 Talk begins

19:30 Q&A

19:45 Talk ends

Book online

Booking information

Adult: £5

Student/Concession: Free

Members: Free


Marianna Janowicz

Janowicz is an architect, writer, educator and member of feminist design collective Edit. She teaches design studio and architectural history at the London School of Architecture and the University for the Creative Arts, and runs an architectural walking tour in London for the charity Open City. Her writing has been published in the New York Review of Architecture, the Architectural Review and e-flux Architecture, among others. She is a Design Researcher in Residence at the Design Museum.

Owen Hatherley

Hatherley is the author of several books, most recently Modern Buildings in Britain (Penguin), and Artificial Islands (Repeater), winner of best book and best monograph at the Architectural Book Awards, 2023. He is a commissioning editor at Jacobin.

Related display

Researchers in Residence: Islands

A free display of design research responding to the climate crisis by this year's Researchers in Residence.

Future Observatory

Future Observatory

Future Observatory is the Design Museum’s national research programme for the green transition.

In collaboration with AHRC

Future Observatory is coordinated by the Design Museum in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) which is part of UK Research and Innovation, funding independent researchers in a wide range of subjects from history and archaeology to philosophy and languages, design and effectiveness of digital content and the impact of artificial intelligence.

Supported by the Idlewild Trust

The Idlewild Trust supports programmes that address the lack of opportunities for professional musicians, dancers, actors, writers, artists and those involved creatively in the arts at an early stage in their career.

Background image: Exhibition photography by Felix Speller